The FREE Online Info Session that can Change Your Life, with Maureen Welch, BADASS of Colorado’s Disability System!

Discover how to help your disabled child thrive while gaining freedom, peace of mind and financial security.”

Roadmap for the Waiver Journey Info Session
Learn how Colorado Medicaid waivers offer up to $100K annually in disability services and potential caregiver income.

Have you ever asked these questions?
Maureen has game-changing answers.

  • What will happen when my disabled child is done with school at age 18 or 21?

  • Will we have to financially support him/her forever?

  • What will happen if I die or can no longer take care of him/her?

  • We need financial help! Are there any benefits available to support him/her or our income?

  • Is he/she ‘disabled enough’ to qualify for benefits, or will our high income make us ineligible?

  • We have a waiver, but our case management agency is frustrating! How do we get anything done?

Learn more about these Colorado Medicaid Waiver topics and how you can help your family.

I’m worried about my child’s future. What’s the best way to help?

Use our program to apply for a waiver so you can access a potential lifetime of benefits that will help your child with the after-school transition to adulthood, employment or independent living. You’ll also gain a safety net if something happens to you!

I don’t think we qualify due to our high income.

This is why you need a waiver. They enable disabled people to qualify for Medicaid benefits by ‘waiving’ the parental household income restrictions. Only the disabled person’s income is considered. So regardless of your income, your child may still be eligible!

I’m worried about finances. Must we support our child forever?

Caring for a disabled child often forces parents to sacrifice their work, which tightens budgets and hinders retirement savings. A waiver provides annual funding for support services that can free up your finances and help you rebuild financial stability!

I was told our child isn’t 'disabled' enough.

Colorado’s waivers cover a wide variety of mental and physical disabilities. You need to explore the application process, because you may discover that your child DOES qualify for a specific waiver, and the benefits are too great to miss any longer!

Why does a disabled person need a waiver?

Because you may receive up to $100K or more each year in the value of provider services you use, as well as extra income caregivers can earn. Plus, you get medical insurance with no out-of-pocket costs. These benefits can be yours every year for the life of your disabled child!

I tried to get a waiver. It was SO frustrating. Is it worth trying again?

YES! Our program empowers you with the right knowledge and skills so you can SUCCEED this time. Knowing the roadmap makes all the difference, so even if you’ve tried before, the thousands of dollars in annual benefits make it ABSOLUTELY worth trying again!

Information Creates Transformation

“The Roadmap for the Waiver Journey info session is CRITICAL if you want to learn how to give your disabled loved one the best life.”

“I learned that I could get paid to take care of my disabled daughter!”

Norma learned that she could get her daughter, Alexa (who has Down Syndrome) on a waiver to provide access to many support services. She also learned that caregivers can get paid for the care they are already providing, so now she earns more income!

“If you have a disabled child, DO NOT MISS this life-changing info!”

Sunitha learned that there is help in navigating the complex waiver application process. She also learned that waivers can support her disabled child both throughout childhood and into adulthood.

Maureen hosts FREE Roadmap for the Waiver Journey info sessions on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Don’t miss the next one: life-changing benefits may be waiting for you!