Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver

Our Course Maximizes Your Waiver so You Don’t Leave Funding on the Table

We offer Colorado’s only online step-by-step self-paced video course that gives you direct access to Maureen, the Badass of disability benefits, in live group coaching sessions. Learn to maximize the benefits of your existing Colorado Medicaid waiver and utilize all available funds.

Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver Course 2

Course Benefits

Course 2: Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver

Cost: $499: A waiver is potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over its lifetime, so this fee is well worth the investment.

Who it’s for: This self-paced online video course is for disabled people and their parents who have already applied for, and been granted, a Colorado Medicaid Waiver.

Why you need it: Obtaining a waiver is a celebration as it offers life-changing medical coverage, service benefits and income opportunities. But there’s a big learning curve in figuring out how to use your waiver. Learn how to modify your current service plan, work with case managers and hire service providers. This course empowers you to fully utilize its services and your funding.

What it offers: Easy step-by-step lessons and coaching that walk you through how to fully utilize all of your waiver benefits. This includes help hiring hard-to-find service providers!

Don’t have time? A simpler way to maximize your waiver is our Service Plan Audit. You won’t gain all the skills the course provides, but you’ll learn how to improve your current service plan!

  • Start anytime and go through the simple video modules at your own pace. You’ll review and audit your current Medicaid waiver service plan and learn how to request modifications.

  • Get advice from Maureen, ask questions and get answers to advance your progress.

  • We offer a payment plan; you can choose to pay in three monthly installments, interest free.

  • Enroll in Course 1: Apply for a Medicaid Waiver. This course will talk you through the process of successfully applying for a waiver. The cost of this course includes Course 2 so you don’t need to buy them separately!

Will you benefit from maximizing your existing waiver? Find out NOW with this free assessment!

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