Apply for a Colorado Medicaid Waiver

A Medicaid Waiver Offers Potentially Life-long Benefits and Additional Income

We offer Colorado’s only online step-by-step self-paced video course that gives you direct access to Maureen, the Badass of disability benefits, in live group coaching sessions. Learn how to successfully apply for a Colorado Medicaid waiver which offers potentially life-long benefits and additional income.

Course Benefits

Course 1: Apply for a Medicaid Waiver (includes Course 2)

Cost: $1,299: A waiver is potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over its lifetime, so this fee is well worth the investment.

Who it’s for: This self-paced online video course is for disabled people and their parents or guardians who have not successfully completed an application for a Colorado Medicaid Waiver.

Why you need it: Obtaining a waiver is a celebration as it offers life-changing medical coverage, service benefits and income opportunities. But the system is confusing, so we teach you to advocate for your rights and navigate the system to successfully submit your waiver application.

What it offers: Easy step-by-step lessons that walk you through how to apply for any Colorado Medicaid waiver. This course coaches you through the application process, which typically takes three to six months depending on the applicant’s commitment.

  • Start anytime and go through the simple video modules at your own pace.

  • Get advice from Maureen, ask questions and get answers to advance your progress.

  • Course 2: Maximize your Existing Medicaid Waiver, is included in Course 1 and will teach you how to fully utilize your waiver’s benefits and services; don’t leave money and opportunities on the table!

  • Enroll in Course 2: Maximize an Existing Medicaid Waiver. This course will teach you how to fully utilize all of the waiver benefits you’re entitled to!

Will you benefit from applying for a waiver? Find out NOW with this free assessment!

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