Desperate for ME-TIME? How to find respite care!

We all know the challenge. We need a break or have other people and obligations that require our care and attention (like working, our own medical care, our marriage, friends, other children or older family members that we care for.) But the task of finding caregivers to take care of our disabled loved ones is daunting.

Respite can look like a lot of things. It can be in your home, as-needed for your occasional outings, or scheduled at regular times, such as when you need to work. It can also be a drop-off group program, like a respite organization that hosts summer programs for school-aged children. Respite care can also support adults and enhance their sense of belonging as they bond with their caregiver and get more involved in their communities! 

Respite care is usually defined as temporary relief for family caregivers from the ongoing responsibility of caring for an individual of any age with special needs.

It is a break from caregiving for a loved one. Respite care typically involves bringing in care providers that can provide medical or companion care to the individual requiring care, so the caregiver can spend time independently of their loved one. Source: Colorado Respite Coalition

Autumn back-to-school time is the most challenging for me. For our disabled teenage son, the shift from summer fun to school demands is not easy. Now that we are into our fall school schedule, I’ve updated my calendar and scheduled more respite care shifts using our CES Waiver service plan units for ‘community connector’ and two overnight visits per month. I’ll admit it: the joy of getting away for uninterrupted sleep is a priceless reset. I like to go for a hike with my husband or have a cup of coffee in peace and quiet. Resets and me-time are so important for us caregivers! 

For years, I used to find caregivers for our son, now age 17. But takes lots of time and energy, which are the two things we lack most when worn out from caregiving. If you’re curious about how I used, I created a 30 minute video about it, free to watch on you tube HERE It works! 

But is simply too much work for most caregivers. That’s why I’ll soon be officially launching, a new place for caregivers and those seeking care to connect! This website only serves Colorado residents and will make the process of connecting to respite care providers easier and faster.

The reason why is so necessary is that Medicaid provider agencies (Program Approved Service Agencies, or PASAs) do not have a sufficient pool of respite workers ready to come help you. One annual fee to subscribe to our site will give you access to an experienced pool of direct services providers and families, and you can use the medicaid PASA agency of your choice for funding or choose to private-pay directly. benefits respite care service providers because it allows them to connect with people, just like you, who are seeking care for a disabled loved one. Our website will help them work as much as they choose in a role that they love. It enables them to showcase a profile that explains their experience, location, and what agencies they are associated with.

My goal is that will eventually grow into becoming a statewide resource and point of connection, to build our community stronger. It does not vet the providers; we leave it up to hiring customers to personally interview and vet them, call references and ensure a solid comfort level. But just getting connected easily with people who want to care for your loved one is a giant time and stress saver! 

Currently, is accepting registrations from caregiver service providers (please share the URL with professional caregivers seeking work), and the site will open to those seeking care in fall 2024 (make sure you join our private community for alerts at Please don’t attempt to sign up as a family seeking caregiving until you’re notified that the site is available as the website will not allow it. 


The BEST way to get respite care services funded is on an on-going basis over the lifetime of your disabled loved one, and you can do this by obtaining a Colorado Medicaid Waiver, or by better using the waiver you already have. So if you don’t have a waiver, please consider purchasing our program, Roadmap for the Waiver Journey, so you don’t miss out on up to $100K per year in potential income and the value of waiver services (like respite care) you can access!

Respite care services can also be funded on a more limited basis through Family Support Services Program (FSSP):

Or respite grants from the Colorado Respite Coalition:


Summertime for school-aged children often means summer programs and sleep-away camps. There are also some amazing year round group setting, drop off care events like All-Stars Club or the Easterseals Discovery Club: 

Nightlights has four metro Denver and one Colorado Springs location:

And in Colorado Springs, The Resource Exchange offers: 

Ask around your community and at your case management agency about these! 

Plus, if you want support in a group who understands your challenges, join the free online Navigating Disability Community to ask questions and hear about great options from other members just like you! 

So to wrap this up, I get it. As caregivers for disabled loved ones, we ALL need breaks from time-to-time. So if you don’t have a waiver, get on one, which will give you access to funded respite care services. And then subscribe to to get connected to service providers more easily!

What do you have to share? We’d love to hear YOUR ideas and stories about how you ‘get away and get a break’ from time-to-time to salvage your sanity!


EXHAUSTED from taking care of your disabled child? The CES Waiver may be for you.