Disabled People and their Families can Live their Best Lives

We empower the disability community to successfully advocate for services.

Medicaid waivers offer lifelong medical and support services for people with disabilities, but the application process is hard to navigate. We offer Colorado’s only program that teaches people how to apply for a Colorado Medicaid waiver and fully maximize its life-transforming benefits. This empowers disabled people and their families to live their best lives.

What’s a Waiver?

Medicaid waivers enable disabled people and their families to qualify for Medicaid benefits by ‘waiving’ the standard eligibility restrictions based on parental income. There are 10 Medicaid waivers available in Colorado. The waiver application process is challenging, so our training and services help people successfully apply for, and maximize, all of the benefits they may be eligible for.

Why are Waivers Vital for the Disabled?

Medicaid waivers offer life-transforming medical coverage, service benefits and caregiver income opportunities. Waivers enable people with disabilities and their families to live fuller lives. Parents can use services that give them more time, financial stability and the knowledge that their disabled child has a life-long safety net of support no matter what happens.

Online Self-paced Training Courses

 Our self-paced video training courses will teach you to successfully apply for – and fully maximize – all of the Medicaid benefits your disabled family member may be eligible for. The cost of our program is negligible compared to the up to $100K in annual services value and extra income you could receive!

Course 1: Apply for a Medicaid Waiver

Who it’s for: Families with a disabled person who haven’t successfully completed an application for a Colorado Medicaid Waiver.

What it offers: Step-by-step lessons that walk you through the application process.

Why you need it: Waivers offer life-changing medical coverage, service benefits and family income opportunities. But the application process is difficult. We teach you to navigate the system so you can successfully apply.

Course 2: Maximize Your Existing Medicaid Waiver

Who it’s for: Families with a disabled person who is already on a Colorado Medicaid Waiver.

What it offers: Tutorials, tips and advice to help you fully utilize all of your waiver benefits.

Why you need it: Waivers offer life-changing medical coverage, service benefits and income opportunities. But there’s a big learning curve in figuring out how to take full advantage of your waiver and find service providers. Learn to utilize all of the services you need.

Will you benefit from applying for a waiver? Find out NOW with this free assessment!

“I love to put families in the driver’s seat by teaching them to take charge of their Medicaid disability benefits and stop being dependent on our overburdened case management agencies as their only source of information.”

Maureen Welch, NDC Founder

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